Herbs and Oils to Increase Psychic Awareness
Herbs and Oils to Increase Psychic Awareness
The use of herbs and oils to increase psychic awareness has been shown to be very effective. Certain herbs and oils have a specific energy signature and effect on the bio-energetic body.
This means that they are a quick and effective way to tap into and utilize your psychic knowing, but also a pleasant way.
Here are 16 of the most common herbs and oils you can use to increase your psychic awareness . . .
Herbs and Oils to Increase Psychic Awareness
You can increase your psychic awareness and strengthen your ability to communicate with the Angels through the use of incense, herbs, and essential oils.
Whether used as incense, tea, or in the form of essential oils, the following list of herbs and oils will stimulate your intuitive senses, help you to have provide prophetic dreams as well as help you to deepen your angelic channel by heightening your psychic awareness.
The use of certain herbs and essential oils to increase one’s psychic senses has been used throughout the millennia.
In ancient Greece, the Oracles of Delphi would use specific herbs and oils to help them achieve a trance like state. For example, bay laurel leaves where either chewed on or made into a tea before divination rites, and/or burned as loose incense.
Many of these herbs and oils can also be used to create fragrant potpourri that you can strategically place around you while performing divination or healing sessions.
An easy intuition enhancing potpourri combination can be created from ingredients found at most grocery stores. Place equal parts of dried cinnamon, crushed bay leaf, and lemongrass into a small bowl and place it near you when you wish to enhance ability to tune into your psychic senses.
The combination of scents is interesting and subtle. Or, inhale the aroma of this combination prior to meditation.
Another one of my favorite recipes can be found in my book The Archangel Apothecary; Incense, Oils, Herbs, Potions, & Prayers for Everyday Life:
16 Herbs and Oils to Increase Your Psychic Awareness
Anise – Increases clairvoyance
Bay Leaf – Stimulates psychic powers.
Cinnamon – Burned as an incense to stimulate power and psychic awareness.
Frankincense – Used to increase psychic abilities.
Honeysuckle – Heightens psychic skills.
Jasmine – May induce prophetic dreams, stimulates psychic powers.
Lemon – Increases psychic awareness, improves concentration.
Lemongrass – Provides clarity of thought, sharpens psychic awareness.
Mugwort – Used to stimulate psychic dreams, helps to induce astral projection.
Orange – Helps your Guardian Angels to communicate with you, stimulates your psychic senses for divination work.
Peppermint – Increases spiritual energy and heightens psychic awareness.
Rose – Enhances psychic powers, increases your ability to communicate with the spiritual realm.
Rosemary – Helpful for psychic protection and psychic development.
Sage – Used to strengthen spiritual energy.
Sandalwood – Assists with spiritual awareness and growth.
Vanilla – Increases psychic powers, useful for channeling and psychic mediumship.
The use of incense, oils, and herbs to increase and stimulate your psychic awareness is a pleasant, and very effective way to enhance your intuitive skills, and communicate with angels, and spirit guides.
Have fun making your own combinations the herbs and plants listed above as loose dry incense, as essential oils, or as potpourri. The fragrances you come up with will be heavenly, and the possibilities for enhancing your psychic abilities is endless!
Blessings, Love, and Light,
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