You will find a lot of articles out in the inter-webs about different ways to raise your vibration. Some people swear by eating certain foods while others say you need to meditate daily. But, really, you can learn to raise your vibrations by moving energy up through your body and to a higher place. But first, you have to learn how to move energy through your body. This takes time, patience and actual effort – I know, I am going to make you do some homework. Feeling and moving energy is a skill that takes practice, but it is totally doable. You can learn this from a variety of places and methods, but it is available to everyone. The sensations of moving energy are subtle. I like to start with taking the energy that is in my body and pushing it into the ground – aka grounding your energy. To do this, it may help to stand up straight, with your feet hips distance apart. Close your eyes and “feel” energy leaving your body and going into ...
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